SEASONAL Non-Serviced Sites:
Nightly: $20.00
Weekly: $100.00
Monthly: $275.00
Annual: $700.00 - Allowing one trailer, per lot fee.
$700.00 - For second trailer on same lot
SEASONAL Serviced Sites:
Nightly: $25.00
Weekly: $150.00
Monthly: $525.00
Annual: $1250.00 up to $2200.00.
$50.00 per bucket load 1/4 cord
$180.00 per cord (4x4x8)
1. Rental Rates and Due Dates:
Campground rental rates are determined each spring for the camping season. Rent is due on May 1st each year. Payments received after May 1st will be charged a $50 administration fee. If the rent payment is not received by May 15th in full, you will be asked to remove your property immediately and the lot becomes available for rent. In the event you do not remove your property we will have it moved and put into off site storage at your expense.
2. Fall Deposits: $200 fall deposit is due by September 1st of each year. Payments made after October 1st will be charged $50 administration late fee. Fall Deposits payments not made will be interpreted as you are leaving the campground and monthly storage charges then apply. The deposit made holds your camping lot for you until May 1st the following year, and a credit will be applied to your next years rent. The $200 fall deposit is for storage of your trailer in the event you do not rent your lot in the spring. The storage of other items, such as utility trailers, boats, vehicles, etc will be charged $100 for the off season, and are to be removed from the campground prior to the May long weekend. The storage of these other items are not to be stored or parked in the campground during the camping season. Short term storage, for a few days other than weekends, can be arranged.