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1. Open and Close: Stonyridge Campground normally will open on or about May 1st for regular season camping and will close on or about October 15th of each year. All campers have full access to their campers in the off-season for snowmobile outings and winter festivities. When power is installed in the campground, those sites with power will pay additional fees for hydro during the off-season. Front gates will close at 11pm, entry hours are between 8 am & 11 pm, NO vehicles are to be driving in park after 11pm.


2. Rental Rates and Due Dates: Campground rental rates are determined each spring for the camping season. Rent is due on May 1st each year. Payments received after May 1st will be charged a $50 administration fee. If the rent payment is not received by May 15th in full, you will be asked to remove your property immediately and the lot becomes available for rent. In the event you do not remove your property we will have it moved and put into off site storage at your expense.


3. Fall Deposits: $200 fall deposit is due by September 1st of each year. Payments made after October 1st will be charged $50 administration late fee. Fall Deposits payments not made will be interpreted as you are leaving the campground and monthly storage charges then apply. The deposit made holds your camping lot for you until May 1st the following year, and a credit will be applied to your next years rent. The $200 fall deposit is for storage of your trailer in the event you do not rent your lot in the spring. The storage of other items, such as utility trailers, boats, vehicles, etc will be charged $100 for the off season, and are to be removed from the campground prior to the May long weekend. The storage of these other items are not to be stored or parked in the campground during the camping season. Short term storage, for a few days other than weekends, can be arranged. 


4. Trailer Age Limits: We have a 10-year age limit for any trailers entering into the campground for a seasonal site. This means that current campers upgrading/purchasing a newer trailer must make sure that the trailer is not older than 10 years of age or not manufacturer before 2000. New campers coming into the campground must have trailers that are not older than 10 years or manufactured before 2000. Current campers trailers are grandfathered and therefore can be older than 10 years and provided they are properly maintained as determined by Park Management.


5. Selling your trailer: Prior to finalizing the sale, the prospective new owner must meet with the Park management, be approved, and understand and sign the Terms and Conditions/ seasonal site rent agreement. We charge $250 if we are asked to show your trailer during the selling process, and only during the normal business hours. One “For Sale” sign being no larger than 12” by 12” in size can be placed at your trailer site, preferably in the trailer window, and one “For Sale” sign can be placed on the bulletin board by the main washrooms being no larger than 8.5” by 11” in size.


(Rules & Regulations)

6. Selling older trailers: We will not stop older trailers (including buildings) from being sold but it will depend on the age and condition of the trailer. If the trailer, cabana or decks have not been maintained we will be asking the new owner to remove them immediately or at the end of the camping season.


7. Building Standards: Wooden screen rooms and cabanas (attached or non-attached building) are not allowed to be built, without providing full details on its construction. Please provide details to Park Management prior to erecting.  Adding outbuilding does reflect your annual costs.

Re: Appendix A (Building standards)


7.a Municipal taxes: Trailers, porches, sheds, fences and decks which are taxed by the RM of St. Laurent will be paid by the resident trailers insured by autopac will not be accessed providing that the proper validation sticker and plate is made visible to the tax assessor (back of trailer, or front window clearly in sight), on or before June 1st of each year. Trailers that are accessed because the assessor could not identify the proper validation sticker, or plate will be the SOLE responsibility of the resident and the amount owing to be paid to the management. Municipal Tax on your personal property is due upon receiving your invoice in the fall of each year.


8. Shed: Each lot is allowed one shed with maximum size being 10’ by 12’. 


9. Trailers and lots: Trailers and lots must be properly and neatly maintained. Trailers should be washed occasionally and the grass is be kept mowed. If you are unable to come out on a regular basis, please make arrangements to have your lot mowed. If we have to mow your grass we will charge $20. We will be contacting the owners of the trailer when in our opinion, the trailer, cabana and/or lot is not being properly maintained. The owners will address the situation in an appropriate timeline or they will be advised to leave.


10. No tenting or second camper is allowed on your lot. The exception is for children under the age of 14 to stay in a tent for maximum of 2 nights when visiting, but approval must be obtained from Park Management prior to erecting a tent.


11. Trailer and lot safety: Please check your extension cord before the season starts so you don’t have a fire. You must use a minimum of “Outdoor #10 gauge wire” extension cord if you are running on a 30-amp breaker, when power is installed into the park. 


11.a Direct Electrical Hook Up: the fire commissioner’s office recommended to us that every trailer should be able to be un-plugged quickly in the event of a fire starting. Please do not wire direct into our receptacles, when power is installed into the park. 


11.b Interior wire is not to be used outdoors. This wire does not have the proper rubber coating and will eventually break down and could seriously injure someone. We’ve discussed this with several campers in the past so we are going to disconnect these lines before the season starts up and unplug them if and when we see them during the season. 


11.c Air Conditioner: PLEASE insure your Air Conditioner is not left on while you are away; please close all windows and doors when operating your air conditioner.


(Rules & Regulations)


12. Water Hoses: many water hoses are too long or too old for their drinking or cooking water. Please remember that the water sits in there all week in the warm sun and bacteria will begin to grow. Please replace periodically or clean out with javax. We intentionally increase chlorine levels during spring and warmer weather to assist with cleansing.


13. Please watch and be mindful of your campfires and outdoor candles: All campfires must be in a proper approved campfire container. Please keep your camp fires to a safe size, keep a emergency water hose or 45 galloon drum of water ready in case of emergency, and make sure the fire in the fire pit or candle is extinguished when going to bed or leaving your campsite. 

13.a Fire pits: All fire pits have to be made to code, including 4 inches of concrete in thickness, made 4x4 square feet  


14. Parking: All campers are to park in their designated parking only. Most of the sites have room for two vehicles only and therefore should only park two vehicles and not attempt to park more than two. Do not park on the grass or around the playground as children can easily run out from behind a parked vehicle. Please do not park a vehicle in other campsites parking without their prior approval. Please insure your visitor’s park in the front parking lot when visiting and not to attempt to park, which can protrude onto the roadway. Emergency vehicles – ambulances, police and fire trucks must be able to proceed down the road without hesitation. Any vehicle parking on or blocking a roadway or parking inappropriately in the parking lot will be towed at the owner’s expense. If the front parking lot is full, please have your visitor park outside the campground on the side street. (Stonyridge Road/18N)


15. Pets: Pets are welcome in the campground provided they are people friendly and are properly handled. Please keep your dog or cat on a leash at all times when outside your trailer. Carry a waste bag when walking your dog and clean up after your pet. We encourage campers to report to us if they see any people not cleaning up after their animals. We will issue a fine of $50 each time it is reported that someone has not cleaned up after their dog. Ensure your child is able to properly handle and control the dog when taking it for a walk, and make sure they have a waste bag for clean up. Visitors may only bring a dog into the campground if it is under 20lbs (9kg). If a visitor enters with a larger dog we will ask them to leave immediately. Management will ask campers and guests to have their dogs removed from the Campground if management deems the dogs to be threatening or dangerous to the well being of others. Leave your dog at home if it is not people friendly. Tell your children not to go into another camper’s lot where there is a dog, friendly or not. Do not leave your dog unattended at your campsite as they may bark and bother neighbors. Pets are not allowed in washrooms or in the swim (pit) area. 

16. Swimming: The pit hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m. each day (weather permitting).  


The Pit, or swim area is NOT supervised and there are NO lifeguards on duty. 


Please ensure you and visitors abide by the government rules posted inside the pool, pit, swim area.


We are generally very happy the way people conduct themselves, their children and their guests around the swimming area. Most people are aware of our safety and behavior concerns, and we really appreciate it when adults conduct themselves respectfully and keep an eye on their children.

Please encourage your children (and some adults) not to splash others.

Please shower before entering the swimming area.


Please tell your children that the outdoor shower is there for people to rinse off, and not for them to play with. 


Please watch your children very closely around the pit areas.


Air mattresses or blow up floating devises are allowed into the pit area (life jackets are mandatory for kids). Children must know their boundaries; pit waters can be extremely deep in certain areas.

Please ensure children age 6 and under, wear a life jacket at all times when in the pool area as well as in the swimming pool and hot tub. The pit is approximately 13-15 feet deep with shallower areas. Please use your cautious judgment for children 7 years of age and older depending upon their height and their ability to swim.


No child under the age of 12 is allowed to enter the pool/pit area unless accompanied by an adult (18 yrs).


Please keep glass containers out of the pit area; this includes wine bottles and beer bottles in coolers. 


Please no rough play in or around the swimming area. Adults have to restrain from playing with kids in and/or out of the water. Not only is it very dangerous for that particular child, it also puts other children in harms way and interferes with those wanting to relax in and near the water.


(Rules & Regulations)


Please do not use profanities and discuss inappropriate subjects in the campground or swimming area. Most people, and certainly not children should be subject to such talk.  


All visitors, adult and children, must be accompanied by a registered adult campsite owner. 


17. Quiet Time 11:00p.m. To 9:00a.m.


Campers including visitors must respect your neighbors. Even during the daytime campers must respect their neighbors by not having their music, voices and any other noises too loud. From 11:00 p.m. to 9:00 a.m. please keep your voices lower and turn off your music. We know some people forget or don’t realize how loud they are but at night the noise seems to travel further and will disturb many people.


Campers not adhering to the Quiet Time or causing a disturbance or presenting inappropriate or illegal behavior on or off your campsite will be given one warning. Visitors will be asked to leave immediately. After the first warning, campers will be required to sign a lease agreement whereby they will be confirming that they understand and agree to the campground “Terms and Conditions”. The second instance, even if the same day or evening will result in you being asked to move your trailer and structures off the premises within 5 days with no refund of the seasonal rent. If any rent amount is outstanding, there will be no second warning, we will ask the owner to move the trailer and structures off within 5 days. If the owner fails to move the trailer and structures within the 5 days, we will arrange for the trailer and structures to be moved and stored off site at the owner’s expense. We have had confirmation from our legal solicitors that we have the right to do this. 


If you are bothered by loud noises, especially after 11 p.m., please do not hesitate to contact us at our house, regardless of the time of night, and we will assess the situation and deal with it. We do ask campers to use common sense. 


Lawn mowers should not be used and construction noise be kept to a minimum until 9:a.m.


The Playground is to be vacated at 11:00p.m. 


18. Visitors: Visitors will be allowed to stay a maximum of 14 consecutive days per year. Rental of your trailer is not allowed. Family and friends are allowed to stay at your trailer but it will be limited to 14 consecutive days per year. If they are staying by themselves, you must advise us of their names and have them sign the “Terms and Conditions” sheet at the office as they must understand and agree to the Terms and Conditions as if they breach them, it could mean that your trailer could be removed from the campground. The purpose of this policy is to not have visitors move into your trailer for an extended period of time. It is not our intention to prevent you from having a friend/visitor that normally stays with you on weekends or for short stays. You are responsible for the conduct of your guests; registered guests are responsible for keeping track of visitors and to pay proper visitors fees when applicable. 


19. Motor Vehicles and Motorcycles: Maximum traffic speed is set at 15 kph. All vehicles and motorcycles must have proper mufflers that keep the noise to a minimum. We do not allow dirt bikes, quads or co-carts to be driven in the campground. We do allow golf carts, preferably electric, and all drivers must be over the age of 16 years of age and hold a valid drivers license. 


20. Trees and bushes: an eviction notice will be issued to those destroying or removing trees and brush without receiving prior approval from the campground management. Making a walking path through the bushes will destroy the bushes. Campers must use old water hoses or elastic cords around all trees when making clothes lines as ropes and cords choke the trees which will eventually hurt them.


21. Garbage: All your garbage is to be put in plastic garbage bags and then disposed of, by taking the garbage to the municipal dump or home with you. Garbage services will be apart of a annual fee but has not been implemented at this time.

21.a Environment: Smokers, PLEASE extinguish cigarettes and or cigars, blunts in ashtrays, DO NOT throw butts on the ground. NO SMOKING in washrooms, rec buildings or any out buildings owned, managed, or operated by Stonyridge Campground.  


22. Vandalism, theft or misuse: of the campground’s property or other camper’s property will not be tolerated. The people responsible for these kinds of acts will be evicted and/or charged for the repairs or replacement. If necessary, the RCMP will be contacted for their involvement. Registered guests will be held responsible for any damage created by negligence from there visitors as well as there own doing.


23. Firearms: The campground is no place for a weapon of any kind. Please ensure that your family and visitors do not enter the Park with a weapon. A weapon being a fire arm of any kind, air gun, hunting knife, sword, archery bow and arrows, etc. Children should not be carrying a pocketknife or any other sharp object when playing with other children. Please make sure your children understand this policy and the importance of it for their safety and others.


24. Violence: People are here to enjoy themselves and violence has no part in our campground. Campers and/or visitors participating in any type of violence will be removed from the campground, along with their trailer and structures. Please remember our tolerance level for violence is even lower with visitors as we don’t know whom we are dealing with. We have been advised by the RCMP not to get involved with any violent or potentially violent situations, and to phone 911 immediately to obtain their services. If you witness any violence in the campground, please call 911 immediately.


(Rules & Regulations)


25. Personal information: Any personal information supplied to us is for our records only, and shall be retained only as long as needed, when information is no longer required it is securely disposed of. It is Stonyridge Campground policy not to disclose any customer information and not pass out or discussed with any third party whatsoever. Please advise the Park Management of any change of name, address or telephone number. Tenants campsite numbers and locations will be given to anyone who requests it, unless management has been informed not to do so by the registrant.

26.  Septic & Holding tanks: All septic & holding tanks other then Campground owned are to be kept up and well maintained, if the management has to step in and deal with a issue regarding your septic or holding you will be charged accordingly.

26.a Grey & Black water: DO NOT PUMP, under any circumstances, grey or black water on the ground.

27. Fireworks: Fireworks will be considered for approval for special occasions with written authorization from Park management, anyone setting off fireworks with out approval is subject to immediate eviction.

28. Nuisance equals eviction: Anyone creating problems for registered guests or management and or its staff, will be required to leave the campground immediately. NO REFUND is given to anybody evicted.

29. Safety: Stonyridge campground, the management, its officers, and its employees shall not be held liable for injury to persons, including guests and their guests, or invites or licensees or for any loss or damage to there property while staying at or on the premise known to be Stonyridge Campground.


30. *COMING SOON* High Speed Wireless Internet: Enjoy free wireless internet access nearest the main beach, coming soon through-out the campground. WIFI available on request.


31. Alcohol: Alcohol is permitted on the grounds however, Stonyridge Campground is a family resort and therefore we ask all our residents and guests to drink responsibly. Drunken, disruptive and disorderly behavior will not be tolerated at anytime. Minors under the age of 18, are NOT permitted to consume alcohol in the park at any time, with accordance to government regulations, non compliance may result in your eviction from the park.


31.a GLASS CONTAINERS are NOT allowed outside your campsite or cabin area.


32. VIDEO Surveillance: Cameras are located at each entrance/exit, the office area, and all out buildings, Beach area and various street locations, theses cameras are in place for the protection of our residents/guests and the prevention of vandalism, theft, and other crimes.  


32.a Policy Violators/Suspicious persons: Should be reported to management immediately.


33. Assumption of risks: All guests and visitors using Stonyridge Campground facilities do so at there own risk, PLEASE be advised the water has been deemed unsafe for consumption, DO NOT USE FOR HYDRATION, "PLEASE" ask for DETAILS, be aware that the Recreational facilities, Playgrounds, Paintball fields, 4x4 off-road area, Mud-bog pit, involve many inherent risks including but not limited to weather conditions, equipment failure, collision with an object or persons, Failure to use facilities in a safe and prudent manner within ones abilities may cause injury or even death.

34. The Management of Stonyridge Campground reserves the right to enter and inspect campsites at anytime without written or verbal notice, Management may give permanent eviction notices to those not adhering to Campground policy rules.


34.a Persons under the age of 18 are considered a child or youth and must be accompanied by parent or adult guest while occupying a site and at NO time be left on their own. Stonyridge Campground has an 11pm CURFEW for all children/youth under the age of 18 which means they must be in their designated campsites and under adult supervision.



To protect your privacy and ensuring that you're personal information remains confidential. (A copy of our Privacy Policy is available at the office).     

To enforce the Terms and Conditions of Stonyridge Campground, and help all residents understand the importance of observing these standards. 

To provide safe, comfortable living conditions to all Residents in Stonyridge Campground. 

To assure you of accessibility to Management. 

To listen and respond to Residents' needs and wants in a timely and direct manner. 

To have cheerful employees who care about your needs and are eager to give assistance whenever needed. 

To be honest, forthright and direct in all communications with Residents. 

To treat all our Residents fairly and to give the respect you all deserve. 



To know, understand, and observe the Terms and Conditions of Stonyridge Seasonal Campground. As listed to the fullest degree, which will insure every Resident of a comfortable, happy, and carefree "vacation home." 

To enjoy and protect your facilities. 

To have a good, safe stay, and to enjoy all Stonyridge Seasonal Campground has to offer. 

To bring to Management's attention any concerns or questions. 


Stonyridge Seasonal Campground is a family Recreational Vehicle Resort designed for the enjoyment of those who wish to maintain healthy, active minds and bodies; where Residents are leasing an atmosphere and a way of life as much as physical property. These extensive facilities and activities are possible only in a park of high-density occupancy. In order to maintain the desired high quality of life, certain Terms & Conditions have been adopted.


Stonyridge Campground wants to maintain a neat and orderly appearance and operate a park which allows each resident the maximum freedom possible without interfering with the rights and enjoyment of others. The following Terms & 

Conditions are established as a condition of occupancy.


When in doubt about specific rules please "ASK".


35. Speed Limit: Speed limit in campground is 15 km or less. Please stop at all stop signs. “Watch for children”.



SEASONAL Non-Serviced Sites:  Nightly  $20.00 Weekly  $100.00 Monthly $275.00 Annual  $500.00


SEASONAL Serviced Sites:  Nightly $25.00 Weekly $150.00 Monthly $525.00 Annual $15 - $2200.00


Changes: The Terms and Conditions can be changed at any time and will be at the discretion of Park Management


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